The Hall & Duck Trust

Collectors of vintage lawnmowers & housing a premier historic collection of mowers in Great Britain
Our dating and identity service is unique within the vintage machinery movement.
It is based on the extensive archive of information that we have built up over many years.
We are fortunate to have collected ephemera when many other people were throwing it away and we are now able to share these valuable assets.
We can respond to most queries about fellow enthusiasts' machines. The service we offer includes, whenever possible, copies of our ephemera and/or catalogues as appropriate.
We can also help to identify missing parts.
We charge a modest sum of £20 per mower which includes postage and packing.
All cheques should be made payable to "The Hall & Duck Trust" and our address can be found on the Contact Us page.
Dating & Identity Service
Restoration Service

If you require an appraisal and valuation of your mower for insurance cover purposes, we have the expertise to provide a comprehensive report and valuation.
Appraisal & Valuations

We are able to help collectors source a wide variety of parts for their machines.
We can help with general restoration problems by providing advice and information about the original machines.
We can also supply replacements for broken or missing castings (aluminium or cast iron) using our own machines as original patterns.
Quotations are available on request.
Click here to contact us.